Motion Graphic Library Template Demos
As sales managers sometimes made their own videos in Camtasia, I created two sets of user-friendly graphic templates for them from company style and motion guides. The first demo video's graphics are for live action videos while the second, for screencast graphics with instructions. The circle and bar graphics represent the "i" from "in" in Linkedin.
Tutorial instructions excerpt for the graphic libraries in the videos above.
An infographic emailed to sales representatives and managers globally,
giving the statistics of a training event.
Manager Development Academy logo design and guidelines.
Various icons used as subcategories for larger sales categories divided by color.
Same icons as first set turned full color for general use.
Keepsafe Infographics
2018 | Keepsafe is a mobile privacy app startup. These infographics show statistics on protecting personal data and privacy concerns around online dating. Animated versions also included.
Mission Comics
2014 | Promotional design for this popular comic shop / art gallery in San Francisco's Mission District.
2008 | Designer and animator of content, ads, and downloadable activities for Nick Jr.'s hit shows.
Splunk eLearning Style Guide
2016 | A comprehensive style guide I initiated, for the design and video editing processes of Splunk's eLearning videos.
Disney Interactive
2010-2012 | Marketing Designer at Disney Interactive's social gaming company, Playdom. I created promotional videos, products, designed ads and UI.
2006-2008 | Art director for General Mills's Millsberry gaming site. The account was acquired to modernize and add life to its overall style.
Christine Ikeda Photography
2014 | Logo design and branding for San Francisco professional photographer, Christine Ikeda.
2009-2011 | Designer/animator for this children's educational startup. I created some of the site's most essential animated UI components. Animated demos included.
Throwdown w/ Bobby Flay Dossiers
2006 | For the first season of this Food Network hit show, I was asked to design the dossiers which became the template for the series.
LinkedIn Multimedia Design Work
As a multimedia designer at LinkedIn, my main focus was motion graphic and live action video editing for company sales events, eLearning, screencasts, and explainer videos, from concept to completion. Projects also included designing infographics, layouts, and icons, while establishing processes and templates in line with company style and motion guides.